Trade and Investment Law

The training program will highlight the current state of e-commerce regulation in Cambodia, as well as national, regional and international initiatives aimed at its trade and investment legal framework development. Real world case studies will be used to highlight current issues in trade and investment law reform negotiations.


  • Discuss the current state of regulation in Cambodia and ASEAN and its utility in the modern economic environment;
  • Raise the awareness of the challenges and opportunities as perceived by the private sector;
  • Promote the best practices and policy interventions that encourage private sector development;
  • Understand the e-commerce development barriers preventing private sector development and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows; and
  • កំណត់ពីតម្រូវការគោលនយោបាយសម្របសម្រួលក្នុងស្រុក ថ្នាក់ជាតិ តំបន់ និងអន្តរជាតិ

Outcomes :

Following the completion of the training, the participants should possess an understanding of:

  • Trade and investment related regulations in Cambodia, ASEAN, and beyond
  • Understand the conceptual framework of trade agreements and negotiations
  • Current state of e-commerce regulations in Cambodia and the GMS
  • Efforts underway or proposed for policy and regulatory reform