Investment Law in Practice

The training program will highlight the current state of investment regulation in Cambodia, as well as national, regional and international initiatives aimed at supporting its development. Real world case studies will be used to highlight the current issues in investment law practice of reforming negotiations.


  • Discuss the current state of investment regulation in Cambodia and ASEAN and its utility in the modern economic environment;
  • Raise awareness about the manner in which Cambodia behaves towards foreign investments as perceived by the private sector;
  • Promote best practices and policy interventions that encourage private sector investment and better use of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)statistics; and
  • Highlight the importance of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) regulation to encourage FDI inflows


Following the completion of the training, the participants should possess an understanding of:

  • Trade and investment related regulations in Cambodia, ASEAN, and beyond;
  • The various types of treatment accorded to investors;
  • The tools available to generate FDI and how to collect and utilize FDI statistics efficiently;and
  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)
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