

TTRI develops short term course (a regular program) of activities for MoC officials based in Phnom Penh, in provincial departments of commerce, and in Cambodian overseas missions, based on its Ministerial mandate. In addition, TTRI proposes a quarterly program of additional workshops and seminars, in the framework of partnerships agreements the institute enjoys with several domestic, regional and international partners.

TTRI assesses MoC staff training needs on an annual basis using a robust capacity needs assessment (CNA) methodology. The CNA results are then translated into an annual training plan and an annual research plan. MoC core resources fund an increasing share of the training plan implementation. Developments partners’ resources are mobilize to bridge the gaps.

Short Term Course

Discover a wide range of evening and weekend quality courses at your fingertips. There are numerous short courses available to help students gain specialized knowledge in a subject of their choice.

Long Term Course

Long-term courses supported practitioners to improve, extend and reshape their youth work practices in order to include social rights concerns in the activities they carry out with young people. Each course included several residential seminars, project-based learning by participants, online learning and mentoring.