This module equips the participants with key elements for preparing SME cluster development plan. This emphasises on deepening understanding and building up participants’ capacities and skills in preparing the SME cluster development plan (includes setting visions, objectives, identify prospective market, products and services, value chain and cluster operation plan, technology and facilities, pattern of cluster,  marketing plan etc). In addition the participants are equipped with strategies for implementing SME cluster development plan.

Participants will have the opportunity to visit SME clusters and export consortia in Cambodia. The participants will gain practical knowledge and exposure to functions of SME clusters and export consortia in different sectors. The visits will provide opportunities for participants to interact on cluster and export management with leading SME clusters and export consortia. Upon the visit the participants will be able to revise their SME cluster development plans and present to the appraisal committees and revise the plans accordingly.

Topics in this module include:

  • Key elements of SME cluster development plan
  • Guiding steps in preparing SME cluster development plan
  • SME cluster development plan for Cambodia
  • Vision building and action planning for Cambodia
  • Short-run and Long-run Objectives
  • Addressing Pressure Points
  • Key Principles
  • Stages of implementation of cluster development plan in Cambodia

On completion of this module, the participants will be able to understand:

  • Understand SME cluster development plan
  • Learn about cluster vision and strategy
  • Learn how to prepare SME cluster development plan for Cambodia
  • Learn how to how to do vision building and action planning for Cambodia
  • Understand SME cluster development plan implementation guidelines and strategy
  • Learn different stages of implementation SME clusters in Cambodia
  • Learn how to upscale activities and create good governance mechanism
  • Learn Stages of implementation of cluster development plan in Cambodia
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