Entreprenersip and Innovation

Realizing the effective role of entrepreneurship in the process of industrialization in the developed countries, other developing nations viewed this as an effective measure to develop entrepreneurship to promote national production, balanced regional development, dispersal of economic power and provide better employment opportunities. Developing entrepreneurs requires joint effort of various promotional agencies involved in the promotion of micro-enterprises. They play an active role by way of counselling, guiding and supporting the prospective entrepreneurs in various stages starting from conceiving the project ideas, motivation, to final implementation and successfully running of the enterprises. With the increase tempo of enterprise promotion, the roles of promoters of entrepreneurship and small enterprise development have become more specialized and professional.

Identifying and selecting prospective entrepreneurs, motivating them, Identifying and selecting a project, formulating it and its appraisal in a systematic way are the most important aspects for making investment decision by an entrepreneur as well as the individual or agencies providing guidance, counselling and support etc. because the success of the project/ venture depends mainly on the above exercises. Therefore, it has become very important for the functionaries of the promotional agencies to develop an in depth understanding of the above aspects for making their endeavours more result oriented and fruitful.

The main objective of the training programmer for entrepreneurship and innovation will be to orient the MoC officials so that they will be able to guide, counsel and train the prospective entrepreneurs to:

  • Strengthen their entrepreneurial quality/motivation;
  • Analyze environment related to SMEs;
  • Identify and select project/product/service;
  • Formulate projects;
  • Understand the process and procedure of establishing an enterprise;
  • Gain know-how on the sources of help/support needed for launching enterprises;
  • Provide knowledge of process of enterprise growth & diversification;
  • Assist the participants with the insight of market and demand analysis;
  • Acquire the basic innovation and management skills; and
  • Create awareness about the need and importance of entrepreneurship education.

The participants will acquire knowledge and skills to motivate, guide, counsel and train the prospective entrepreneurs after attending the training programmer on entrepreneurship and innovation. They will be able to acquire the knowledge and skills to guide and counsel other relevant authorities to introduce entrepreneurship in their system.

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